Lakers Tips: Three Steps to Finding Your Game Again Off The Court

Staff Writer
5 Min Read
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The worst thing to happen to a basketball player, aside from an injury, is losing the passion for the game. When nothing about sport excites you any longer, but you cannot explain it. Some people call it a lack of flow. Others call it burnout.

What is clear, though, is that it happens. Remember when Michael Jordan lost his passion for the game? Yes, it can happen to even the best of us.

How do you bring back the passion for the game when you lose it? Sure, you could wait for it, or force yourself to play or watch a game even when your heart is not in it. If you are here now, follow these three simple steps to rekindle the fire for the ball.

Step 1: Move Away From the Game

 “When I lose the sense of motivation and the sense to prove something as a basketball player, it’s time for me to move away from the game” – Michael Jordan.

Do you know how one of the most effective solutions to computer problems is to turn it off then back on? With the human mind, the solution is almost always similar. When you lose the passion for the game, take a break from basketball altogether. You may be lacking a passion for the sport itself, rather than a moment of the game.

Constant exposure to preparation, rules of the game, and players can gradually diminish your interest in the game. Instead, take a break and try something completely different. When passion is back, you will know.

Step 2: Play a Basketball-Themed Video Game

Playing a digital version of basketball will help you view the game from a different perspective. You can grab and play a single-player console basketball game rather than force yourself into the court.

Some of the best basketball games are also available for your smartphone; try them out. If you are tired of watching real games (your team lost, didn’t it?), shooting a few hoops on your phone may be refreshing.

Some game fanatics would take this advice a little further. For instance, playing a Laker’s themed online slots game with a real chance to win could be very uplifting. Online casinos today offer many different games with sport or team-specific themes. Read more about them on Casinotalk.

Step 3: Get in Shape and Make Friends

Taking a break and bringing yourself slowly with video games is just the easy part of this journey. You will also need to exert yourself and stay in good shape for when the fire is back. Staying in shape means maintaining a good physical condition, catching up with the latest trends, and even making new friends. New friends may bring new ideas about the game and much-needed inspiration.

If you have a hoop in your backyard, invite local friends or family for a few shots. It is alright if you do not, you could simply dribble an evening away, and it will be fun. One advantage of basketball over other games is its flexibility. It also offers an opportunity to enjoy a game wherever and whenever.

An excellent way to enjoy the game when you do not feel it is to participate in school or community basketball games. You do not even need to coach or referee; just watch and be a part of the game.

Final Thoughts

A human mind is a tool that just flats out sometimes. It sucks when this happens. When it tests your love for basketball, these simple three steps can help you reignite the flame and get back to playing with love and vigor.