Video: Kobe Reacts to “Death Stare” Statue

Serena Winters
1 Min Read

With Kareem’s statue unveiling Friday evening, there were plenty of allusions to a Kobe statue after the Lakers win over the Phoenix Suns later that night. L.A. Times reporter Eric Pincus asked Kobe if he’d thought about his own statue pose and couldn’t illicit a response. Then, reporter Serena Winters asked Kobe how he would feel about a “Kobe Death Stare” statue, and after a few laughs, he definitely had a response for that!

Kobe also talks about whether he thinks could he could pass Kareem on the all-time scoring list. We caught it all on video. Take a look!

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Reporter: Serena Winters



Serena Winters was a former reporter for who also oversaw the video team. You can now find her on NBC Sports Northwest as host of The Bridge. But really, she's probably more known for bringing snacks with her wherever she goes. UCSB alum, Muay Thai lover, foodie (all of it). Email: