Dwight Howard Discusses His Results With The Posture Shirt

Elizabeth Benson
3 Min Read

Dwight HowardWe all know that Dwight Howard has had struggles with his recovery process from his back surgery from last year. Things didn’t get any better when he tore his labrum in his shoulder, causing more limitation.

However, Dwight has pushed through the pain and has played almost the entire season thus far, when it was assumed he would most likely miss the beginning of the season. To aid Dwight in limiting pain from his back and shoulder, he has been wearing the Posture Shirt, manufactured by Santa Ana, California-based company, Alignmed, for the past eleven games.

---- See Dwight Howard through the years in photos! ----

The Posture Shirt had to be cleared by the NBA before Dwight used it during a game, but he has had positive results from it so far. The Posture shirt is designed to improve mobility, while maintaining balance in the back so he can absorb contact more naturally.

According to Mark Medina of the LA Daily News, Dwight had the following to say about the Posture Shirt’s results:

“The Posture Shirt helps my back and keeps everything aligned,” he said. “It helps my shoulders with that, too.”

“I wore the shirt a couple of times when I had some stingers,” Howard said. “But I was able to play through it. The shirt was doing its job. It keeps everything in line. There’s nothing I can do about my back right now except to let it heal. That’s the only thing I can do.”

There has been a definite improvement with Howard, especially since the All-Star break. He is more active for an extended period of time and has more explosiveness in the paint. In the 11 games he has worn the Posture Shirt, Dwight has averaged 15.2 points, 13.5 rebounds and 2.0 blocks per game.

Dwight’s defense was crucial on Wednesday night in the Lakers’ 25-point comeback win against the Hornets. Dwight will look to continue his progress tonight against Toronto with the help of the Posture Shirt.

Elizabeth is a graduate from Arizona State University and has her master's from Duquesne University. She is currently an associate editor at Lakers Nation. To read more of Elizabeth's articles click here. You can also follow Elizabeth on Twitter @Gobibs
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