Lakers News: Players Have Discussed Potential National Anthem Protests

Daniel Starkand
2 Min Read

San Francisco 49ers backup quarterback Colin Kaepernick made national news recently, as he decided to sit for the national anthem to protest social injustice, and the treatment of African-Americans and other minorities by law enforcement in recent times in particular.

He has since continued that protest in every game, as he now kneels for the anthem and he has been joined by a bunch of other players throughout the league.

Along with kneeling many players have raised their right fist, which is a symbol of solidarity and support and began at the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico City as USA medal winners John Carlos and Tommie Smith gave the raised fist salute during the national anthem after winning their medals as a protest on behalf of the Olympic Project for Human Rights and as a sign of “black power”.

Additionally teams have been united in the fight for equality, as teams like the Seattle Seahawks have locked arms to show their unity.

It also appears that the Los Angeles Lakers are united in the fight, as at their 2016 Media Day they said they will protest as a team this season, although they are not sure how yet, via Tania Ganguli of the LA Times:

Lakers forward Nick Young recently said he would sit during the anthem in support of the cause, but it will be interesting to see what the team can come up with to protest and raise awareness that not only athletes are passionate about, but also many people throughout the country.

It is obviously a very touchy subject, but it is good to see the Lakers united in whatever they decide to do. Showing solidarity is extremely important and the Lakers are doing just that.

Daniel Starkand is a graduate from Chapman University with a degree in journalism and broadcast journalism. He grew up in Burbank, Calif. and played baseball at Burbank High and his first two years at Chapman. Along with serving as the managing editor for, Daniel also serves as a senior writer, editor and social media manager for Contact: