On The Lowly Utah Jazz Fans

DJ Byrnes
12 Min Read

Jazz fans are mad because Derek Fisher, who after his daughter was diagnosed with a rare form of eye-cancer, walked to the Jazz’s late owner Larry Miller, and had his 22 million dollar contract terminated so he could relocate to a city that had premiere cancer treatment facilities. So why would Jazz fans hate him? He signed with a team that wasn’t a contender (at the time) for less money. For the answer, lets turn to the beautiful prose of Utah fan, Matt Parker a.k.a. “ramskick“:

For everyone who is saying us jazz fans are ignorant for booing derek fisher, his daughter is getting treatment in new york, nuff said gosh

Yes, it’s true. Derek Fisher’s daughter gets a lot of her main treatment in New York City. (Her doctor’s partner is in LA, where they do day-to-day stuff).  So, they think Derek Fisher used his daughter’s illness to… sign with a #7 seed that had just been dumped in the first round of the playoffs (for the second year in a row), its star player had just demanded a trade, and Kwame Brown was the starting center? He also diabolically used his daughter’s illness to cost himself 8 million dollars? And, as pointed out by Bill Simmons, that saved money allowed the Jazz to afford D-Will’s extension? Also, you guys do realize that you would be paying out the nose for a 34 year old back-up point guard, right? I mean, I’d understand if you didn’t have a cheap, promising back-up right now…. Oh, wait, you did. You traded Eric Maynor, owed all of 1.3 million dollars this year, to Oklahoma City for absolutely nothing. You basically gave him away to avoid that hefty luxury tax bill. And this is a team with  Deron Williams, Carlos Boozer, and a bunch of guys that could be playing overseas in three years. Their roster isn’t exactly teeming with talent.
Next: Isn’t this Fisher hatred a tad hypocritical?

If nothing else: Marionaire.