On The Lowly Utah Jazz Fans

DJ Byrnes
12 Min Read

This isn’t an attack on anybody in the Jazz organization not named Carlos Boozer. They were over-matched every second of their play-off lives this year, and they survived until the second round. They played with heart and pride the entire series (basically the opposite road that the Atlanta Hawks took), and they have nothing to be ashamed about.

But Jazz fans… you deserved Derek Fisher’s Game 3 shot. 30 seconds left, Lakers trailing by 2, the crowd going completely ballistic, Kobe glided in to the lane and kicked it to Fish, who was surprisingly open given the circumstances. Actually, Kyle Korver was marking him, so it’s no surprise he was that open that late in the game.

I’m sure, if you think about it, you knew what was about to happen. And you were completely helpless as Derek Fisher cocked, loaded, and fired a 3-ball as Kyle Korver frantically attempted to close out on him.

I wish I could be inside your mind as that ball flew through Energy Solutions and dropped through the net. I bet most of you didn’t even have to look. I’m sure the empty feeling that had already formed in your stomach was all the verification you needed.

You deserved that. You deserved to have your hearts ripped out and sent home in tears by Derek Fisher. This man’s daughter had eye-cancer. Think about that for a second. Seriously, run that through your minds. This is one of the classiest members in the league. He’s the Player’s Association President. He’s a guy that CRIED when, your Utah Jazz’s owner, Larry Miller died. A guy that did nothing but give it his all for the Jazz every minute he wore the uniform. A guy that did absolutely nothing but good and positive things for your community when he was there. This is a guy you choose to boo and hate mercilessly? With all the knuckle-heads and numb-skulls in the world that sports allows you to senselessly hate, you choose Derek Fisher? How mentally deranged are you people?

Next: The future looks eerily similar for Utah fans…

If nothing else: Marionaire.