Taking the New Technical Foul Rule Off the Court

Contributing Writer
3 Min Read

During the beginning of this year’s NBA season, the league implemented the “new technical foul rule” which referees would grant to athletes for demonstrative actions, overreacting, or even excessive celebration. Many of our own Lakers became victim to the new rule and players and fans alike quickly voiced their opinions on the rule change. At one point earlier in the season, Lamar Odom poked fun at the leagues slogan, “NBA… Where amazing happens,” by saying “NBA… Where normal happens.”

Below is a regular season schedule the league applies on technical fouls to current players and coaches:

-Technical Fouls 1-5: $2,000 fine each
-Technical Fouls 6-10: $3,000 fine each
-Technical Fouls 11-15: $4,000 fine each (with a warning letter sent when the violator reaches his 12th technical foul)
-Technical Foul 16: $5,000 fine plus one game suspension
-Each Additional Technical Foul: $5,000 fine
-Each Two Additional Technical Fouls
(18, 20, 22, etc.): $5,000 fine plus one game suspension

Following the above breakdown and comparing it to current players on the Lakers roster would translate to Lamar Odom, Derek Fisher and Matt Barnes who each have accumulated 4 technical fouls on the season have already been fined $8000 each.

Ron Artest, who is accustomed to having a high count of “T’s” every season, surprisingly has only racked up 5 on the year thus far. Looks like the appointments with the psychiatrist have been paying off, but that is still $10,000 in fines.

Leading the way for the team is our fearless leader Kobe Bryant, who has gathered 12 technicals which amounts to a whopping total of $33,000. Although you may be thinking that may not be much for a superstar of his caliber, I’m sure the NBA must be smiling on the other end. Especially since talks of a potential lockout next season have been whirling all year and are more likely than ever, it makes one wonder if this new technical foul rule was implemented at just the opportune time.

We thought it would be entertaining to find out how this same technical foul rule would apply to “real-life” everyday scenarios in our latest video. (without the steep fines, of course) Enjoy!


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