Kobe Bryant Releases Videos Of Visit To Skid Row

Suki Thind
2 Min Read

As you may know, Kobe Bryant took on the challenge of fighting homelessness last summer, and has been extremely dedicated to his cause.

Additionally, over this past summer, Bryant spent a night on Skid Row–an infamous span of four square miles largely occupied by the homeless–and visited the LA Mission. Kobe talked to various individuals and listened to their stories; becoming inspired by them.

Today, Bryant released a series of videos, via Facebook.

Kobe prefaced the video with this brief message:

Over the off season I took a walk down skid row. It was life changing for me and I want to share those experiences with you. Please take a look and tell me what you think:

And now, the powerful videos (The links should automatically transition into the next video, but I posted all six individually as well):

Kobe has been extremely involved in his fight against homelessness as he and his wife, Vanessa, founded their own foundation–the Kobe & Vanessa Bryant Family Foundation–which has partnered with a resource center in Hollywood named My Friend’s Place.

The Black Mamba will also be the honorary chair for “HomeWalk in LA” on November 17, and wants you to walk with him. If interested, you can sign up and join Kobe’s team here: http://homewalkla.kintera.org/teamkobe.

Note: You can visit the Bryant’s website for their foundation at kvbff.org, “like” it on Facebook, or follow on Twitter @KVBFF.


Suki is a graduate of Cal Poly Pomona and an unsigned contributing writer for Lakers Nation. Follow Suki on Twitter @TheRealSuki and Facebook. You can check out the rest of his work here.