Video: Kobe Said He Wants Shaq At His Jersey Retirement Ceremony

Serena Winters
1 Min Read

Though we may never know the full story, those who grew up in the Shaq-Kobe era will remember as much about their differences as they will the dynamic duo who won three consecutive NBA championships together. And, it seems as though Shaq is still on Kobe’s mind.

In honor of the Lakers retiring Jamaal Wilkes jersey Friday evening, reporter Serena Winters asked Kobe Bryant if he’d thought about his own jersey being hung atop the Staples Center rafters, and if so, who would be accompanying him court-side. His answer (accompanied by the smuggest of grins) was one that, frankly, caught us all a bit off guard.

“I’d probably force Shaq to do it.”

What do you think Shaq will have to say when he hears this? Let us know in the comments below!


Reporter: @SerenaWinters
Video by: Serena Winters

Serena Winters was a former reporter for who also oversaw the video team. You can now find her on NBC Sports Northwest as host of The Bridge. But really, she's probably more known for bringing snacks with her wherever she goes. UCSB alum, Muay Thai lover, foodie (all of it). Email: