Video: Top Moments From Metta World Peace on Lakers Media Day

Serena Winters
1 Min Read

Metta World Peace told Lakers Nation reporter Serena Winters that “you can’t be boring.” Trust me, the spark of the Lakers was anything but boring this Media Day. In fact, Metta was so entertaining that he actually deserves his own individual highlight video, and we will give him exactly that. Check out our top five favorite MWPisms below, and make sure to watch the video, because we couldn’t make this stuff up even if we wanted to.

“We’re handing out paper cuts. We’re great on paper and paper cuts hurt.”

“Sometimes I wag my butt in the cereal bowl milk.”

“I’m great. I’m dope. I’m amazing.”

“It’s like the Care Bears. They love each other. We just care for each other. We’re here together in this Earth in this world together as one.”

“You gotta party. You can’t just be a boring guy for 12 months. You gotta party hard in July.”

If that’s not enough, check out Metta asking our own reporter her name…never a dull moment with MWP!

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Serena Winters was a former reporter for who also oversaw the video team. You can now find her on NBC Sports Northwest as host of The Bridge. But really, she's probably more known for bringing snacks with her wherever she goes. UCSB alum, Muay Thai lover, foodie (all of it). Email: