Vin Scully vs. Chick Hearn

Daniel Buerge
9 Min Read

Los Angeles fans have long been spoiled in the world of sports, as most of the local teams have long histories of success and championships.  The two biggest teams in the area are the Lakers of the NBA, and the Los Angeles Dodgers of Major League Baseball.  Now any fan of either of these CHICKY BABYteams knows that the most legendary members of each team may be two individuals who never shot a free throw or fielded a ground ball, but the two gentlemen who sat in the booth, and for years have had our ear and explained to us the unbelievable world of sports.  Recently the Los Angeles Times released a poll asking Los Angeles natives which announcer they deemed more legendary, which is the equivalent of trying to determine what is more important to the human body, food or water.  Scully and Hearn are two men that have done more for their respective sports than almost anyone else in history.  Their voices have been heard by millions of people, and are both considered pioneers in the world of broadcasting.  Los Angeles residents are some of the most fortunate sports fans in the nation, and a lot of that has to do with Chick and Vinny.  The toughest question of all, however, is trying to determine which one should be considered above the other on the mountain of legendary broadcasters.

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Daniel is the former Managing Editor of LakersNation. He has also written for SLAM, ESPN and other various publications. Follow Daniel on Twitter @danielbuergeLA